Akili Interactive Labs
Last updated: October 09, 2024
Eddie Martucci, CEO
USA | Funding: $301.1M (+)
Website: https://www.akiliinteractive.com
Akili builds clinically-validated cognitive therapeutics, assessments, and diagnostics that look and feel like video games. It aims to develop a new type of electronic medicine that can be deployed remotely directly to any patient anywhere, prescribed and tracked by physicians, with the potential to be developed at a fraction of the cost of traditional medical approaches.
Website: https://www.akiliinteractive.com
Akili builds clinically-validated cognitive therapeutics, assessments, and diagnostics that look and feel like video games. It aims to develop a new type of electronic medicine that can be deployed remotely directly to any patient anywhere, prescribed and tracked by physicians, with the potential to be developed at a fraction of the cost of traditional medical approaches.